Last Thursday, I had an appointment with the oncologist, the first time I’ve seen him in a month. The report was extremely good.
My blood counts, although still depressed, allowed me to begin the second round of chemo (three weeks of infusions, one week off). My pain continues to be under control with the use of pretty heavy pain medication, I’m able to sleep well, and my appetite has returned and I have gained back seven of the twenty-two pounds that I have lost!
But the most significant word was that the cancer marker had dropped from 360 to 244!
Dr. Franco says this probably means one of two things: the tumor has shrunk or it has become more inactive. Whichever the case, he says it is a good signal. I reminded him that in addition to the medical dimension of his treatment, I am convinced that much of my improvement can be attributed to the prayers of thousands of you around the world. He agreed. In fact, he said, “The power of prayer is verifiable. Tell your friends to keep it up!”
I was also cleared, pending more blood work today, to enter the hospital tomorrow (Tuesday) for the celiac plexus oblation—the killing of the celiac plexus nerve bundle. Because of the slight potential of side-effects, I will remain in the hospital overnight. Our prayer is that this procedure will be successful, will alleviate the pain, thus allowing me to back off of some of the heavy pain medication.
After a couple of pretty rough weeks, the past two weeks have been good. The pain is under control, the red blood cell booster has given me added energy, my weight gain has added strength, and I am learning to pace myself to conserve energy.
Although this last treatment of chemo has, once again, begun to sap my strength and I’m having to slow down a little, I continue to try to stay on top of my work and to enjoy each day as a gift from God! We completed two of our most intense weeks here at the office, and I have survived well! Week before last was our annual exploratory conference, the time when we invite candidates for mission field ministry to spend a week with us. Through a series of testing, interviews, and group work, we mutually decide who will join our mission force. Last week was filled with meetings of our various administrative teams and the administrative cluster. I was reminded, once again, of God’s blessings in allowing me to serve with such wonderful colleagues.
Last Thursday, I was both surprised and delighted to receive a wonderful “Book of Blessings” which included letters from many of you. I spend the weekend pouring over your wonderful words of blessings and I was deeply touched by your kind words and your strong affirmations. I’m convinced that your love and support have played a significant role in my growing strength. - JS
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After being given the Book of Blessings last week, Jack and Anita look it over.