I’m continuing to lose ground slowly in my battle. I’ve had to cut back on most of my activities — no driving, the distance of my morning and nightly walks has been cut in half, and my strength continues to erode, slowly but surely. But the pain is still under control, for the most part.
I’ve told you of the struggle to stay awake on the heavy doses of pain medications. A couple of days ago the Hospice doctor and nurse put me on Ridlin as an experiment to see if it would make more alert. I think I have noticed a change, but it just may be in my head! But I am hopeful that it will give me more clarity in my thinking and allow me to participate more completely in life.
I wish I could adequately express my appreciation to all of you for your responses on the blog, your email, cards, and prayers. These are what keep me going. It is humanly impossibly to write to each one of you, but I want to know that I read each one—several times—and they bolster my spirit.
I have worked with Anita and the children on my memorial services. One will be at Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church for those in the NE Florida area; and one in Atlanta for those in the Atlanta area (Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church, Central Baptist Church Newnan, and the CBF Resource Center). Stay tuned for further details!
Thanks again for your love and prayers. Both are appreciated.

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