Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Good outcome!

Stephanie reports:

Hello from Stephanie -
I'm in the hospital with Dad right now, and am happy to report that his surgery today went very well. The doctors were able to use a better procedure than the last one used (the prior nerve block), and it looks as though this might provide some much needed relief.
They used a CT scan that gave them a much more accurate view and the doctors said that it was a great success. Also, we got some good news about Hospice and getting the services and people we will need, so we are happy about that. Charley, Mom, and I are all here with Dad and enjoying being together.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

When Grace left the hospital a little while ago, Charley, Stephanie and Anita were all there having supper with Jack - who actually had an appetite! Charley described him as "chipper." And says that, though he'll have some pain from the procedure that was just done, he was already feeling the good effects from the nerve block with relief from pain.