The Radiology and Anesthesiology (Pain Management) departments worked together creatively on my case. The doctor who was scheduled to do the procedure had heard of another procedure that is seldom used but offers much more accuracy and he wanted to try it. In fact, he doesn’t even do this procedure himself but got another doctor who had more experience to play the lead role. It looks like the first effort at killing the nerves many weeks ago was thwarted by some scar tissue and the alcohol never got to the proper place. By using the CT scan he was able to adjust the needles and got a good spread to the proper places so that it alleviates much of the pain in that area.
I am now officially entered into care with Hospice Atlanta and everything is in order. My care will be covered by Medicare Part A in which everyone over 65 is automatically enrolled. The home health nurse will come by this afternoon to assess any needs and will take over all pain management. It will be good to have only one team and it gives me great comfort because now, anytime day or night, I will have someone I can call if I get in trouble with pain or with other issues.
We were blessed throughout our stay by the excellent care at St. Joseph’s. I was even able to get some work done with their great wireless internet cafe.
It is good to be Home!
Thanks for your support and concern.