I have struggled this week with changing pain medications. Last week the pain management folk decided to switch me from Oxycontin to an analgesic patch. But for a while they want to use both the Oxycontin and the patch in order to wean me away from the Oxycontin. That’s been harder than I imagined. In fact, I think I have been over-medicated during this process. The result has been shortness of breath, feelings of faintness and weakness, and difficulty sleeping. Apparently my body has experienced some degree of addiction and that’s what we’re currently addressing. The challenge is to wean me off a portion of the medication without experiencing a great increase in pain.
The surgical procedure from last week (insertion of stent to clear the blockage of the common duct) seems to be working well. The doctor indicated, after the fact, that had this not worked, we would have been in real trouble. Thanks for your prayers during this critical time.
We met with the oncologist on Wednesday to inform him that we were not going to try other treatments. He could not have been kinder. He and I have bonded from day one and he is greatly distressed that his treatment (chemotherapy) has not been effective. He mentioned a couple of other options, none of which offer any real hope, but then quickly agreed that our decision to withhold further treatment was probably a wise decision. He assured me that if any radical new and promising treatment comes across his desk, he will get in touch with me.
We talked with Hospice about assuming responsibility for our care from here on out. I have been involved with the Hospice movement for two decades, having served on the Board in Jacksonville. I am a strong proponent of their ministry. The fly in the ointment, once again, involves insurance. They have denied my request to use Hospice Atlanta and instead want me to use a for-profit provider that they recommend. That’s not what we want to do, so we have appealed.
Our daughter, Stephanie, and son-in-law, Henry, are driving up from Jacksonville today and will be with us for the weekend. I can’t tell you how excited I am!
And our son, Charley, has completed his Emory University Singers concert tour in Italy and he is now in Kenya, working for ten days in an orphanage. He’s having a great experience teaching music there, and we look forward to having him home in a week!