Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Talked to Jack

Jack gave me a call a little while ago, so I thought you'd like to hear the good word that I got to hear. (Hey, I should record him and do podcasts or audio downloads so you could hear how good he sounds! . . . hmmm. . . .!)

At any rate, he sounded very chipper! He's been being visited by a hospice nurse who is always amazed and encouraged by his continued resilience. He would like to come into the office a bit more than he's been able to, but it's rather an effort especially in this heat. He's still very much working from their home office, so sending him a note or a comment here is sure to be seen.

Jack said Anita's been delightfully diverted lately; Charley has been moving into a new place, so it gives her the artistic space to plan and decorate and paint. That, and everything that work with CBF entails (long calls to associates in China, meetings and planning sessions in the building, etc.) are very much a part of their lives right now. Anita's happily joining back in with the choir this week when they start back up.

So, as summer blazes on, so do the Snells! Below are Jack's own words in relation to his health and status - and he will work on another Along the Journey later this week or next. I'll post it as soon as it's done!

The hospice nurse visited yesterday and said my vitals are good. She said I am doing much better than any of her other patients. There are signs that I am slipping—loss of appetite, incipient queasiness which is on the verge of nausea, eroding strength and stamina, continued loss of weight, etc, etc. But I’m taking each day as it comes, grateful for the gift of life and excited about whatever future God has prepared for me. All this continues to weight heavily on Anita and our children. But they are responding in a marvelous way. Please keep them in your prayers. - Jack -