Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Jack passed away this morning

As Cindy stated below, we are sad to announce that Jack passed away at 5:30am. The entire Cooperative Baptist Fellowship family mourns the passing of Jack Snell while celebrating his life's work as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are grateful for his faithful service, humble leadership and unparalleled commitment to being the presence of Christ. Information on services will be updated at www.thefellowship.info/Landing/JackSnell.icm.


The sad news

I just received the call that Jack passed on this morning about 5:30.

As I receive more information, we'll make sure we post it, but as I understand it now, there will be a memorial service for Jack at Hendricks Avenue in Jacksonville this Saturday and another here in Atlanta the following Saturday at Second Ponce.

- Cindy