Jack says his appetite is improving. . . so he is a good Baptist, after all!
He’s been in the office working hard all week with prospective missions folk. And while he says he’s gained weight, I don’t know if it’s true or if he just wants to “fit in” with the rest of the Baptist world.
I do know that he looks well and very Jack-like, if that makes sense. For instance, during our community worship time when the leaders played guitars and sang Neil Young’s When God Made Me, Jack closed his eyes and drank in the words. He seemed the essence of reverence when he sang along “I’ve got so much, so much, so much to be thankful for.”
Of course, it could be that he wasn’t being reverential, but just taking an opportunity to nap. (Do good pastors sleep through other people’s services?)
Just kidding - I know he wasn’t sleeping through a time of communion with his God and his friends. Jack is a man of appetites – for serving, for family, for sharing. I hope you, like me, enjoy hearing his perspective
Along the Journey. (Click on this link if you’re not able to use the others:
http://alongthejourneywithjack.blogspot.com/ )
I enjoyed seeing Anita singing her heart out in the choir at the Georgia State CBF meeting this past weekend, and know they were glad to have their family visitors along with them.
I'm sure you, like me, enjoy hearing updates from Jack himself. So here’s his health report today -- and below that, an update on “happenings” complete with some pictures too!
I have had two or three good days this week—the best in awhile. The pain is currently under control, my appetite has improved (thanks to the appetite stimulant I’m taking), and I have actually gained a couple of pounds. I’m learning to pace myself and am able to balance work, family time, and rest. God is good!
I went to the chemo lab this morning for blood work. This is my week to skip the infusion (three weeks on, one week off). The blood counts continue to be low, but the infusions last week have boosted the white and red blood counts. I continue to take the Tarceva daily and will see the oncologist next week to begin the second round of Gemzar, if the blood counts will allow.

We have been blessed over the past week to have friends visiting us from Singapore. Andrew Goh was one of my students during my teaching tenure at Baptist Theological Seminary, Singapore. In fact, he took every class I taught. For a year-and-a-half I served Thomson Road Baptist Church (TRBC), the oldest Baptist Church in Singapore, as their interim-pastor.
When Andrew graduated from the seminary, I suggested him as a candidate for TRBC’s pastor. The church called him and he became our pastor. We have deep ties with this dear congregation and consider them part of our church family, even though we have moved from Singapore. When they heard of my illness, they collected money to send Andrew and his family to pay us a pastoral visit and to bring their love and care. In addition, they sent a love offering to assist with medical expenses.

So you can imagine the deep gratitude I feel toward TRBC and the Goh family. Their visit was a visible demonstration of their love and it became a source of encouragement for us. We enjoyed our visits together and I profited from Andrew’s pastoral presence and prayers.
- Jack