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1 comment:
Dear Jack and Anita,
You came into our lives by the introduction of our other dear Jacksonville friends, Jim and Anne Moseley, when you were coming to England for a study course - and how greatly Jen and I have valued the relationship which then developed between us, and how refreshed we were by your subsequent visits (and ours to Jacksonville, in particular attending your services at Hendricks Avenue).
Memories come flooding back (and will always be with us) more than I can even try to express. The music we shared, especially Anita’s playing and singing, and I wonder if Pachelbel’s Canon can still work its magic for you? The inspiration of your Church aid mission to Romania (early as you were in the field) bore fruit for us last year when we were able to visit the Moldavian painted churches (which I first learned of in a book which had been presented to you by one of your grateful Romanian friends who came on a return visit to you both in Jacksonville) and the midnight Easter service at the Romanian Orthodox monastery of Voronets was unforgettable.
Since you and Anita took such pleasure in our garden (on which you used to look out from the desk at which you worked every day) I’m sending a couple of photos plus one of you and the McQuaigs when you were all with us on your most recent visit en route for Birmingham.
Your saying grace for us at meals (always so calming, so appropriate and so unselfconscious) remain a very special and treasured memory for Jen and me.
Only because you shared our enthusiasm for the traditional King’s College, Cambridge, Christmas Service of Lessons and Carols, I hope you will forgive me for any presumptuousness in quoting from the Bidding Prayer which I think is one of the greatest passages not only in that Service but in our whole Liturgy, and which at this time gives us much needed comfort:
“Lastly, let us remember before God all those who rejoice with us, but upon another shore and in a greater light; that multitude which no man can number, whose hope was in the Word made flesh, and with whom in this Lord Jesus, we for evermore are one.”
Dear Jack and Anita (and Charley and Stephanie) you are in our prayers and our love goes out to you,
Brian and Jen Brooke-Smith.
Wyses House, Widdington,
Saffron Walden, Essex,
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