The surgical procedure last Friday went off without a hitch, but I was not prepared for the amount of pain engendered. Several weeks ago, when they did the nerve block, they infused the nerve bundle with a substance to deaden the nerves; hence I experienced little or no pain. In fact, I was back in the office that same afternoon. This time they infused the celiac plexus with a substance that literally “burned” the nerves, causing a great deal of pain. The regular pain medication that I’m taking kept the pain under control in large part, but I was very uncomfortable all weekend.
The doctor warned me that I must gradually wean myself off the Oxycontin. He said that my body is physically addicted to the medication and sudden withdrawal would be very traumatic. So, I will continue to take the full dosage for another week or so, gradually cutting back. Our prayer is that I can then exist on a much lower dosage and can regain some clarity of thought!
Another member of our Singapore church paid a visit yesterday. He is in the US for training and scheduled his travel to include a visit with us. He brought along some Chinese herbs to make soup which is supposed to provide energy and stamina. He also brought a supply of the infamous “Tiger Balm” and other ointments. I continue to be overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of our friends.
It is impossible for me to respond to all the comments on the blog and the emails that you are sending. I wish I had the energy and time to write each of you. But I want you to know that I read and re-read your comments over and over and am greatly strengthened by them. I am fully convinced that your prayers and good wishes are what keep me going. Thank you so much.
I’m attaching another Along the Journey, growing out of my experiences of last week.

We're blessed by being able to follow your updates, even when they aren't as "good" as we've hoped. Just read your Easter posting of "Along the Journey" and wanted you to know how it's blessed us. Thank you for your transparency and honesty, allowing your feelings and even fears to show through. Most of us have those same fears of the unknown, but feel they shouldn't be there if we're "real Christians". There's no doubt in any of our minds that you're a "real Christian", as the impact of your life on so many others attests.
We're continuing to pray that you'll be free from pain without medication that impacts your lucidity and personality. We treasure both. Like you, we don't know why bad things happen to good people, but we know they do, just as we know God uses them for good. I believe your journey is caused by the fallen natural world we inhabit. I don't know why our sovereign God doesn't answer our prayers for healing, but if He always did, He wouldn't be sovereign.
Enough of my musing, your "Journey" says it so much better, and we appreciate your time and energy in writing it. Our prayer is for you and your family, that both will continue to bless so many others.
Ted & Judy
My dear brother, Jack, I am always touched by your written words. Your life has been a source of joy to our family all of your life.
We serve a great and mighty God and my daily prayer for you is healing, less pain, perseverence, and an intimate touch by and presence of the Father.
I love you more than you can know.
Dear Jack,
I know you warned me not to do this, but too bad brother, it's coming down anyway.
Jack is my OLDER brother and we have always been very close. Even as children we had very few arguments that I can remember.
Most of my life my identity has been Jack Snell's sister. But you know what, he has always made me feel that I am just as special as he.
with Jack, what you see, is what you get. When he came home for a visit, it was always filled with laughter and he and Anita spoiled our parents with attention to their needs.
My brother, Jack, is the big hearted, humble man that you know him to be.
As his sister, I thank you for your prayers and love you have shown him.
I love you, Jack.
Dr. Jack,
Thank you so much for the blogspot and Along the Journey. I have long admired your strength. Your words to us about how you "really" are will strengthen us all. You have given us an insight that we would not have had otherwise. The gift you are giving will go on forever. I love you.
Hugs to you & Anita,
Hi Jack-
We love you and are thinking of you and praying for you regularly!!
I'll be in the office next week to hug you in person- until then ~
much love-
Amy and John
Thank you for the blog for Jack.
I have given several copies to our members who do not have email.
Betty Bell, a dear lady who loves Jack very much, said she has shared the copy with her friends. They all appreciate the beautiful inspirational message coming from their sweet friend, Jack, whom they love very much.
Carole Fauss
Hey Sweetie, just want you to know that we're lifting you up,and love you and miss you, Becky S.
Hi Jack! This update reminded me of the time when you went for the backbone surgey at Mount Elizabeth some years ago. I was joking that in time to come, we might just get a human parts inventory where the doctors will just open up the portion of the body where the sick parts are, removed it just like a blown out fuse and then replace the sick parts, slam the opening back into the socket, sew it up and whoala! you are back up and going. I could have thought that it was the case when just barely one month after surgery, you were back in church.
Anyway, glad you passed another surgery. I could have sent you a "Tiger Balm" as well! How about a "Tiger Balm" sticky patch? Just for your info, "Tiger Balm" originated from Burma.
Take care Jack, be praying. Keep up with your postings - you could well be engaged for a journalist job later!
Edward Tan
Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing your journey. Your words and your willingness to tell us your truth mean much to us.
Bob Mulkey
What we wouldn't give to be able to minister to you as you have ministered to us all these years. Hugs are a big part of your ministry and we long for the day when we can see you again and give as well as collect! You know how much we love you and Anita -- and we pray daily for comfort and strength for both of you.
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