Jack has given us another chance to go Along the Journey with him. (Click here to access it or go to
A literal journey is ahead of them on Sunday as well - Jack and Anita are traveling to Houston, investigating proton therapy options at M.D. Anderson. Our prayers go with them!
For those of you not physically around, I'll tell you that Jack has been looking good, ducking into the office for a few hours throughout the day, working and attending meetings and - to his great pleasure - visiting with his college roommate! Art Christmas, who is a pastor in Evansville, Indiana, and Jack haven't seen each other in 20 years. Jack says his visit added a great deal of joy to his day.
Travelling mercies, Jack, and let us know how it's going in Texas!
Dear Jack - I remember that you and Anita used to enjoy the 10 minutes slot given every day around 7.50 a.m. on our BBC Radio to “Thought for the Day” presented by speakers from different denominations, and the presentation a week or two ago by a retired Jewish Rabbi gave Jen and me pause for thought with his story of a conversation between two members of different Jewish synagogues, one of whom boasted: “Our Rabbi prays so hard that God almost always does what he wants.” To which the other replied quietly: “Our Rabbi prays so hard that he almost always does what God wants.” Maybe an old chestnut, but we hadn’t heard it before.
All of us who have had the privilege of coming Along the Journey with you in this time of trial know that, whatever pain and suffering any of us may have to face hereafter, we will be given strength by your indomitable courage - and will know to find it, as you so movingly explain to us, in the love of God. Jen and I continue to pray for you and all the family.
Brian and Jen Brooke-Smith,
Cindy -
Do you know the details of Dr. Snell's itinerary to Houston? I live in Waco, about 3 hours away from Houston, and wondered if it was possible to perhaps pay him a visit while he is at least in the same state. I'm a former member of Hendricks Ave. Baptist Church where I grew up under Dr. Snell as my pastor, and I'm now going to school out at Baylor in Waco.
Thanks so much,
Shawn Warner
Oh, Jack! Jack! We send hugs and smooches, mashed potatoes, and soft-softs! Julie and Bill Mason
Dear friends,
I spoke with Jack late this afternoon and he had finished his long day of testing. He edured the 2 1/2 hr plane ride ok, although not feeling up to par.
He meets with the proton therapy doctor Tuesday at 1:00 PM.
Continue praying for a good report. He is due one!
Thanks for your love and prayers for my dear brother.
Hazel (Snell) Littlejohn
Your presence is missed in Jacksonville. Thanks for the leadership. Peace.
Bill Ryan
Hospice Board
Englishs' friend
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