That was Jack’s response this afternoon when he got into the office and saw the schedule for the Prayer Vigil starting tonight.
It’s also a particularly “wonderful time for this,” he said.
Today they’ve been facing the daunting tasks related to insurance companies’ coverage and strategy. They also met with the oncologist, opting not to do the last of the 9 chemo treatments. Instead, they are turning their minds to tomorrow’s MRI. At 8:30 Friday morning he’ll have an MRI, the results of which will guide the decisions for the next steps in care. (Probably no results til Monday, though.)
It is overwhelming - that people from all over the globe – China to Missouri – are on this list below and will be offering up prayers to the Lord on behalf of Jack and Anita, starting tonight at 7:00.
It’s not too late – it’s never to late! – to pray. You can still sign up for times. Or you can pray at a time, and then report back to us that you did it. We’ll keep the list as up to date as we can.
Thanks to all of you, for filling every slot so beautifully, so that it truly will be 24 hours of constant prayer being lifted up for our friends. It’s a beautiful community, the family of Christians, as Jack said earlier today. I also want to say a special thanks to Connie McNeill for organizing this Vigil, and Amy Morris for tending to the schedule with such care.
I’m sure Jack (and the rest of us!) would love to hear reports back on the blog, after Friday, about how and what you did as you participate in this lovely and powerful day of prayer. Feel free to share in the comments below, or email me and I’ll post them for you.
Scroll down a few screenfuls to view the updated list . . .
Darling Jack and Anita -- Bill and I are both going to be fulfilling our commitment to the prayer vigil, although we already storm heaven every day on your behalf. I wanted to remind you -- did I do it already? -- of the night on our back deck when the four of us howled at the full moon! It's full now, and I am remembering that night and still laughing about it. I love you!
Julie Mason
Dearest Jack and Anita:
James and I prayed for you from 9:30 to 9:45 on Thursday night. While we prayed we listened to Anita and Charley on Anita's CD. What a blessing it was to us and how it lifted us to hear them sing "The King of Love My Shepherd Is" and "The Wings of the Morning." What a gift we have in Psalm 139. Know of our continued love for you both and of our commitment to keep lifting you in prayer. I was cleaning out a drawer this afternoon and came across the card all of the missionaries gave me at the end of our time together in Singapore. I cherish the card, and the memories, but most of all I cherish you.
Love, James and Carolyn Hale Cubbedge
James and Carolyn Hale Cubbegde
Chuck & I live in Jacksonville, Fl. and are members at HAB. We went there shortly after Dr. Jack came. We've been there ever since.
Last night at our appointed time 9-9:15PM, Chuck & I sat together (bad knees kept us from kneeling) on the sofa in our family room. We held hands and took turns praying.
It was a powerful time for both of us. Through love, smiles, concern, anguish and tears we shared with our Lord how we feel about Jack & Anita. They are such a part of our Christian foundation as a couple.
Praying for them brought to our minds all the times Jack was there for us. When my Mom was in ICU in 1981 after heart valve surgery and was not responding, every time I thought I can't do this, Dr. Jack's arm would go around my shoulder.
In 1983 when Chuck had cancer surgery and we were told that he would probably not be able to talk, Dr. Jack was there through it all. Chuck was healed and has had no problems at all...speaks very well.
Jack, the Pastor & Anita are Jack & Anita our friends. In January we were blessed to be a special part of Stephanie & Henry's wedding. Charley's music has blessed us over and over again. God has a plan and one day we will all understand. God's man, Dr. Jack has been a blessing to all of us and there are days I wish that we could be there with him and Anita to give them physical strength and lots and lots of hugs!
Sheryl Gates
PS: This morning we will be praying separately because Chuck is at work, 10:30-10:45AM.
We love you! We remember fondly our visit in Singapore. Jan and Bob Moore
As my time to pray drew close, I became frustrated because my 3 year-old and 6 year-old daughters were wound up and they also had two friends over. Instead of trying to pray over the chaos, I gathered them in a circle and we had a time of prayer. I was amazed at their prayers for healing and that "Jack would feel better." God spoke through the voices of children and I was reminded that anything is possible. We will keep praying for you all.
Susan Rogers
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