I’m continuing to do my work from home, but it is becoming more difficult to stay focused. However, the Ritalin is helping.
I’m continuing to have guests who are dropping by our house. While it is always a joy to see these dear friends, I’m becoming less and less able to be engaged.
Thanks for your love and concern. I’m energized by your prayers and your blessings.

Read Jack's most updated Along the Journey on prayer.
You are LOVED and so are Anita and the kids.
You are an inspiration to all and the epitomy of a true and faithful Christian.
You will remain in our prayers.
Thank you, Jack, for all that you mean to Barbara and me. We love you.
Bob and Barbara LaBelle
Your message is simple and mighty....amen, indeed. Much love, Phil Brown
Hi, I know this is a strange place to leave a comment about what I am going to but I don't know of any other way to get in touch with you. My name is Karen Boahn and you and my mother have tow common bonds 1. the last name of Snell
2. pancaretic cancer. I would very much like to email you or in some way talk to you about this. Her fathers name was Wilmer Snell
please email me at your earliest convience at caseypoohb@aol.com
Dr. Snell,
I love you- and I pray that you will be in as much comfort and peace as possible.
Julie (Seale) Brown
Your blog has touched my life as you continue to show how faithful God is to us . Thank you for sharing your journey with all the people that love you . You married Susan and Kevin and Mary and Chris. I have always wanted to thank you for making their ceremony a true worship experience.
I will continue to pray for you and and your family. We love you
Nancy Harris
Jack, Again thanks for being able to share your Journey with the rest of us. You truly are a blessing to all. Your life helps us put our challenges in perspective. We cherish the times our lives have crossed roads with you in church work and family relationships.
Love and prayers to you and your family from Lester/JoAnn McCullough
Lakeland, FL
Thank you for sharing. Being honest in prayer is never easy but it can be refreshing. I continue to keep you all in my prayers.
Florence Allen
Dear Jack,
You and your family remain in my prayers. Sometimes I ask for more time for you, for relief from pain and nausea, strength for your soul, hope and assurance about our future, dependence and courage for the journey ahead.
Sometimes I Just sit with God and think about you and Anita, and there are no words that come. There are just heart feelings, a sense of God being very present with you and taking care of all the mysteries and challenges that we cannot fathom.
Even when it gets very dark and difficult, our God will never leave you alone. And soon, all of our sorrows will be behind us and there will be only light and life.
Much love,
from San Francisco
Dear Jack and Anita,
How thrilled I was to get a glance from a distance of you, Jack, and have a chance to chat with Anita for a moment in D.C. Your courage, tenacity and faith in our Savior is so evident through this chapter of your lives.
I'll miss you, Jack, at the BWA meetings....you and Anita have always been so kind and encouraging to me. I hope I'll continue to see you at them, Anita...
Know of my prayers and thoughts as you walk through this passage of life together, that you will feel God's loving presence, surrounding and within.
God's Hope, Love and Peace be with you,
Lauran Bethell
Hey Jack and Anita,
Just a note to say you are in our thoughts and prayers! We love you guys.
Stephen and Angela N>A
Watching you face this challenge with such courage, dignity, dtermination, faith and love has guided me to accepting the call to serve as a deacon at HAB as well as become a member of Brett's Youth Bible Study Team. You live inside the minds, hearts and souls of so many people wanting to do good things in God's name.
Patti and I send our love and prayers,
Ralph Carson
-Just a note to tell you how much you have meant to me and to Andrew. I also want to say how much I admire and appreciate your continuing to work and minister to us all.
I'm praying for you, Anita, Charlie, Stephanie and Henry.
Donna Furman
At last! Joy in San Francisco made me realize that I, too, am spending time just thinking of all the Snells -- communing with God but failing to come up with words that express my feelings. You all have meant so much to us and your testimony through these difficult days has enriched our lives and made our faith stronger! You are amazing us with your keen insights and your honesty in dealing with your day-to-day feelings. I can't say "goodbye" but instead look forward to a reunion one day. You will never know how much you and your family have meant to Betty and me and what a lasting influence you are leaving as your legacy. I continue to be angry at times about your illness and of Betty's as she continues to fight problems of her own in dealing with her cancer. But through it all, your strong faith and your ministry to all of us continues to inspire us. May God's blessings and peace continue to give you the strength you need in your daily walk. We love you all dearly!
Don and Betty
Jack and Anita
You enrich our lives so much. We read your messages and are so thankful we know you both and that you have touched our lives. We become better human beings simply by being your friend and following your journey, We love you both and pray often for your comfort. With love
Deanie and Jay
Dr. Jack,
The prayers and thankfulness for you continue daily. I am so thankful for all those who have been able to visit with you and Anita and bring us a special gift of YOU back with them. You have blessed us all! Thank you.
Much Love,
Jack & Anita--
In these ending days you are constantly in our prayers for peace, miminal pain, and gratitude for what you have meant as friends though far away.
Gene & Lonya Scarborough
We love you.
Katie, Matt, Anna, Maile, Lydia, and Claire
Oh Jack, you write to us with such conviction and clarity. In my mind is the old gospel, “Victory in Jesus.” We often speak of victory as if it should come easy. Our version of God’s will aligned with our own and thus achieving our way. As you remind us this week, the Psalmist clearly tells us not so. I shudder when I think of your pain and suffering but I rejoice knowing God’s will for us all is true victory in Jesus. We continue to pray for you daily. Skip
Dr. Jack,
We just heard your sad news and I wanted you to know how special you were to my family when you and Miss Anita were in Newnan. You were such a wonderful friend to my grandmother, mother and all of us (Harlan,Catherine and myself). I will always remember that wonderful church, your sermons and your sweet children. Please know we are praying for you and Miss Anita, Charlie and Stephanie.
Martha Trammell Wyant
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