I’m happy to report that we are back home from the hospital. What we thought would be a day or two of hospitalization turned into a five-day stay. In fact, when we went to the doctor’s office, we had no idea I would be sent to the hospital. For those of you who like the full picture, here it is! For others, the bottom line is that I’m home, feeling much better, and filled with happiness for the gift of another day of life! Now, you can delete the rest!
Since our return from M.D. Anderson, my pain and nausea levels have risen, pretty dramatically. Last Wednesday night I was up all night, fighting both. A new kind of pain was present. Anita and I decided that the pain was primarily from the growth of the tumor (pressing on other organs) and perhaps some blockage. We had been warned that one of the things we needed to be alert to was the occlusion of the major bile duct.
After a brief visit with the doctor, he sent me to the emergency room at Saint Joseph’s hospital. I remained in emergency from mid-afternoon, Thursday, until nearly 11 p.m. before I was moved to a room. However, they were able to ease the pain and the nausea.
After a series of tests on Friday, the doctor concluded that the common bile duct was blocked causing the gall bladder to be greatly distended. The bilirubin count was extremely elevated almost to the point of sepsis. The doctor said the preferred treatment was to open the blockage through the placement of a stint in this duct, but because of the size and location of the tumor, this might not be a possibility. This would mean that a drain with an external bag would be installed. He said that I would then have to deal with the bag until the end, thus the preferred route would be the stint. So, we went into surgery, uncertain about the outcome.
The procedure was done under sedation, but I was not “put to sleep.” They used a long needle/catheter and went in through the liver, through the common hepatic bile duct, all the way to the small intestine. The doctor was able to insert a stint and open up the entire common bile duct, all the way from the liver, the gall bladder, the pancreas, to the small intestine.
The pain management folk have altered the regimen for pain control, including using a “patch” as well as other goodies including a medicated lollipop. All of my doctors have told me that their main goal is to keep me as pain-free (and nausea-free) as possible, and I join them in this quest!
I don’t think I realized, until the last few hours, the severity of my condition over the past few days. With the blockage of the bile duct, the greatest danger was that sepsis would set-in and I would be hard-pressed to fight it off.
Once again, your prayers have made a huge difference in my struggle. I rejoice in your friendship, celebrate the goodness and faithfulness of God, and look forward to the wonderful future that is unfolding!

Hi Jack,
I had to smile at the first paragraph when I got to the part about the bottom line for those who don't need "the full picture." Of course, I am a "full picture" kind of girl, so I read the whole thing. I'm glad they got the stint in and that the pain and nausea are improved. I've also learned something, because I had no idea that there was such a thing as a medicated lollipop...sounds like a great idea to me.
Anyway - just wanted you to know I was thinking of you today...celebrating with you friendship, and goodness, and faithfulness...
Love to you, Anita, Charley, and Stephanie.
Thinking of you and praying for you.
Debbie Hagan
Hi Jack,
Your faith and trust in the Lord have been a constant and shinning example. I thank God for His mercy and protection over you.
You are always in our prayers.
In His Love.
Andrew, Carine, Zachary and Tammy
The thoughts of your agony with pain and nausea makes me so sad. I'm so thankful that they could put the stint in and not have to have the drain. Hope you are able to get some rest and some peaceful days.
Much love, Miss Dixie
To say that we are thankful you are feeling better is the understatment of the year. Great that the stent is working to ward off some of the pain. Love you like a ROCK!! Julie and Bill Mason
Dear Jack,
I am so sorry that you continue to struggle with pain and nausea and hope that this most recent procedure brings relief.
My daily prayer for you and Anita is that God will grant you strength to endure, courage to face the unknown and freedom from pain and nausea.
I continue to be grateful to you for the comfort and guidance that you gave to me and my family when Reid died. You spent the greater portion of your Thanksgiving holiday with us in ICU. You sacrificed time with your own family in order to support us in our time of need. You slept on the floor, provided humor when we needed a laugh but, above all else, you sat with Reid and read scripture to him when he was having seizures so severe that I could no longer stay in the room for long periods of time. As far as the members of the Baggett family are concerned, you should never doubt or even question your level of kindness.
I love and appreciate you and Anita for more things than I could possibly mention here.
May God bless you both and keep you in the palm of his hand.
I love you!
Judy Baggett
Jack, so glad you were able to find a measure of relief. You remain in my prayers. I thank God he has annointed your medical team with wisdom and skill. Skip Smith
Dear Jack and Anita:
We pray for you daily, our love surrounds you and your family.
We have just moved back to New York City and we have asked our friends in this area to pray for you. The prayers are offered in many languages and faith traditions.
Blessings, healing, love, peace.
David and Ana D'Amico
Jack: We were glad to hear of your overcoming this latest ordeal. God is with you, my friend. Hang in there. Doug Rohrman
Dear Dr. Jack & Anita,
We are so glad to know that you are home and that the stent is working. We are overwhelmed with your writing and love to all of us! Thank you for letting us "share the journey". Our prayers for you will continue and we hope that you feel our love as well.
Love & hugs,
Sheryl & Chuck
How can one express all the love, gratitude, joy, and praise for what you and your family have meant in my life and the life of my family. I thank my God on every remembrance of you from the very first day (so long ago on a snowy day in Newnan, GA) until now. For all the events, experiences, and enjoyment we have shared with you, Anita, Stephanie, and Charley at SJCDS and HAB. You have blessed us as pastor, comforter, counselor, friend, mentor, but most of all your example. Thanksgiving goes up daily as I remember, along with prayers for your well-being and that of your family.
LOVE always,
Dear Jack and family,
Just want you to know that you have prayer support from Valdese, NC. We knew you when we were at San Jose Baptist in Jacksonville. Lee Turner recently told us about what you are going through and we have followed your experiences weekly. You continue to inspire as you always have. We have shared some of your comments in the SS classes we teach. Be assured of our love and prayers. --Charles and Shirley
We are all soooo happy for a little positive news! If you could be cured by love, you would surely be 100% cured by now. We are praying for you all every day and send more love than you can imagine...
DeLynn, Gabe, Zachary, Jordan & Nicholas
Well Jack, if "God is in the details," as the famous 19th century architect put it, then your account has brought us to the cusp of epiphany! But seriously, I do appreciate all of the information you share. I revel in your willingness to be so open to us regarding the fight you so courageously wage. And "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you."
Hi Jack and Anita,
I am glad to hear you are home. There is nothing like being home when you don't feel good. I hope the stint continues to work for you. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We hope to be able to see you soon.
It was you two that taught me almost 30 years ago that God is always walking with us. I know there are times when he is carrying you both. Hang in there!
Florence Camp Allen
It has been a long and painful journey, but you are still fighting and have such strength on this journey. We DO read all of your blog even if some of the medical jargon is foreign to us. We, as always, have you in our prayers -- all of you, Jack, and Anita, and Charley, and Stephanie and Henry. Love and prayers continuing as always. Julie and Bill Babcock
Thanks for all you have done to keep Jack and Anita's friend around the world informed about
his condition. I loved the family when they were at Newnan and strenghted our frienship when my daughter was a member of Hendrix in Jacksonville. Charley and Stephanie are special because they were with us in their early childwood for nine years.
We cannot imagine what you are going through but so wish that we could somehow take some of it from you. We love and appreciate all of you so very much. You are in our thoughts and prayers always.
Bill and one of the BA's
Hello Jack and Anita,
Tomorrow is Helen's last day of school. Next year she'll be an eighth grader. Can you believe it? Fred's son, Jacob, is getting married next week in Atlanta and then he goes to England with the Air Force. Fred is outside working on a motorcycle so you can deduce from that that he's doing just fine. Me? Glad summer is here and water is near...
Don't know if I ever mentioned to you, Jack, but it meant so much to me when you made it to Live Oak for my daddy's funeral. I'll never forget the feeling that day when I saw you and Norma sitting there in the church. Thank you for that. There's so much more you should be thanked for: marrying Fred and me, dedicating Helen, listening, caring, encouraging, loving all of us at HAB year after year, and on and on. If you were closer I'd take you something tasty and nourishing. Hope you get some small comfort from this note. Wish I could do more. love, Suzane Bass
Just a note to tell you that we have been following your updates and praying that the Lord provide you with comfort and healing. Ken and Nancy Owen
I am following your progress and am saddened to see the treatments don't seem to be stopping the tumor. However, I am glad they relieved the pain and hope the bile duct work is still helping.
I just want you to know of my love and appreciatiation for what your ministry and that of Anita have contributed to a better life for the many who have called you "friend."
It sounds like God's hand is the one to whom we must entrust you. I know we want you here, but being here in pain and suffering is not anything God would give any of us. Whatever the healing--to this life or the life above--we will accept it.
We love you--Gene & Lonya Scarborough
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