As usual, Jack’s week has been a roller-coaster with good and bad days.
The more difficult times seem to be gaining ground as he continues to lose weight, grow weaker and experience a constant queasiness. A low-grade fever has indicated some infection and although it has been treated with antibiotics, it still lingers.
Through it all, Jack’s spirit has not diminished and he is still wanting to care for me and the world. He continues to walk in the morning, but now is using the selection of canes that he or friends have collected from over the world. He also has found many resting spots along his short journey to collect the morning paper. He is now unable to walk in the evening and is resting more frequently throughout the day and the long nights.
He and I both send our love and gratitude for your love and faithful prayer.
Anita and

Much love and prayer from not too distant Macon....
Julie and Phil Brown
We have felt your pain of loss when my wonderful father left this earth, but the good he did and the inspiration he gave will last forever.
As days grow short your faith will sustain you as it did us. We send our love as we thank you and Jack for yours. Keep us posted in the marvelous way your have to date.
Gene & Lonya Scarborough
Darling Jack and Anita -- every day we love you like the Rock of Ages!
Julie and Bill Mason
Darling Jack and Anita -- every day we love you like the Rock of Ages!
Julie and Bill Mason
I think one of your many, many strengths is preparedness. I always remember how carefully planned our worship services were, and how you made sure we had complete printed copies of the service order for Lessons and Carols and other "special" services. It was always so assuring to know that I could follow along and not have to guess about when I should play. It helped me be more involved in the worship and not have to worry about "what came next". Thank you for that!
Your life reflects your dedication to the Lord and to sharing His love. You ARE prepared!
We love you!
Miss Trixie, et al!
Dear Jack,
I pray daily for you and Anita. Thank you for your honesty. Most of us would not have the courage. Your openness and sharing provides us with a deeper understanding of what you face, and what many of us and our loved ones will face in the future.
In my opinion, to prepare properly for something means you that you care about it, and that you want to give your best. Your allowing us to accompany you through Along the Journey, helps prepare us for our own journey, and those of our loved ones. If ever there was a modern-day Job, I think you are one, and your faithfulness to God is, once again, a terrible defeat for Satan.
Mary Helen
It was s wonderful to get a message from you. I know that the week-end with the children was good. Thanks for keeping us posted. You are all in my prayers daily. Love, Anita
Jack and Anita,
We love you and are thinking of you this sunny sunday in Asia.
Tina and Jonathan
We send you our love and prayers dear friends. Rest well tonight.
Amy, John, Jonah and Toby
Dear Jack and Anita,
At the risk of speaking about what I do not know, I have often speculated that we spend our lives of faith learning the relief and joy of our dependence on God. And that "rewards" in heaven will have nothing to do with where we sit at the banquet table, but how much we are used to climbing into Jesus' lap for comfort, strength, wisdom, love. and grace. Some of us will run to him. Others of us will hang back. And he will come with open arms for all.
Perhaps as our transition to heaven nears, we "practice" being increasingly dependent in spirit and body so that Jesus can do what he longs to do - gather us in and keep us close and carry us along.
May you sense him with you - in every difficulty, every long night, every anxiety, every feeling, every new happening, every question and concern.
My love to you both,
San Francisco
Thanks, Anita, for the update. You two have the most "undiminishable" (I think I just made up a word!) spirits I can imagine. Love to you both,
Dear Jack and Anita,
I'm thinking of you here in Berlin where Fall has already arrived. I love you both so much and am blessed by your thoughts and presence. Jack, it's ok to do less. We all love you for who you are--despite all you've done. I hope you will be able to hold one another today and experience God's presence.
Jack and Anita, your generosity and kindness in sharing your Journey with us has been a profound blessing to me. I pray for you, and I pray that when my and/or Noni's own days grow short on Earth, I will possess even a modicum of the dignity that cascades through each of your posts. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
-Stretch Ledford, Richmond, VA
Jack, yesterday’s homily referenced God as the potter and man as the clay. Our priest related that Michelangelo was asked, “What do you see when you look at a block of stone. He replied, “An angel.” She stressed that just as the great artist saw an angel not the block of stone, God sees us in the perfection that will be ours one day through Christ Jesus.
I thought of you and said a prayer of thanksgiving for the life you have lived. Through your writing we can see the potter is busy at work creating perfection.
“Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
Thou art the Potter, I am the clay.
Mold me and make me after Thy will,
While I am waiting, yielded and still.”
You and Anita are in my prayers,
Anita & Jack, We just wanted you to know that we were thinking of you. You are both wonderful examples to all of us and we love you, Shelia & Arville
Please know that you both are in my thoughts and prayers daily. If there is anything I can help with or do please know that I'm a phone call and only a couple miles away.
Your nephew,
Jeff Funderburk
He has made it farther than I would have guessed or even prayed for. He struggles depite his growing illness. For this I admire him. Sometimes I just really wish that I could get better, but my problems aren't terminal. I had a good day at work today, and am thankful for the small victories that I have. I am thankful to know Jack, for he is a great person. I wish I could remember my login information, yet I cannot so I will be anonymous.
Have a good week,
Kevin O'Brien
Jack and Anita,
Just a quick note to say I think of you both daily and have you in my prayers. You both continue to touch so many of us and I thank you for your time.
Your friend,
Florence Camp Allen
Dear Jack,
I praise God for you and Anita for all the work you have done in this country and all around the globe. I regret the chance of not visiting you while you was in Singapore. You have touched so many lives in so many ways, no less including mine.
I pray that the Lord will make His presence known to you in a ray of sunlight, a drop of rain, a gentle breeze or a twinkle of a distance star.
Remembering you, Anita and the whole family always.
Hing, Orlando
Dear Jack and Anita,
Up late in Bangkok thinking of and praying for you. Andrew prayed last night that when you see Jesus' face, you will be filled with more joy than you could ever imagine. We shared with our Bisu friends last week (here working on Acts) about your journey this past year and the amazing testimony that you both are to our family. We love you so much. Your legacy of love, grace, and JOY spreads all over Asia and the world-- your focus on genuine relationships with others through Christ is such an example to us all.
Suzie and Kirk
Jack, You are a source of joy and inspiration for me. Our friendship has and will be priceless to me. I love you, Carra Hughes
Almost daily I think of a special memory of one of you during your time here in Newnan. You both were such an important part of my life at such an important and influential TIME in my life. I treasure the trips of our youth group and choir and the spend the night parties at your house!Your very well prepared (!) sermons, Jack, and your beautifully rendered music, Anita, shall remain blessings for me for all my life. I think and pray for you by name each morning. Thank you for being who you are! May God give you peace and comfort.
Karen Knight Poore
Jack & Anita
It has been 2 weeks since a new post so we know your days a filled with total nursing activities.
We speak of you daily and pray for continued release from pain and suffering.
Gene & Lonya Scarborough
Update from Stephanie:
I have sent a slightly longer update to Cindy Bell, so it will be posted soon. In the meantime, we are waiting to be admitted into Hopsice Atlanta where Dad can get an IV to sedate him during these last moments. We have all been together as a family and are all at peace. We just want to horrible suffering to stop. God is with us. Pray for a swift and peaceful journey for Dad.
Thank you for your love and prayers.
We are thinking and praying for all of you. Mother and Daddy are here for the weekend and we've been remembering so many times of support and love from Jack. Our prayers continue to be with you during these final moments as our hearts are breaking, too. Thank God for the peace you have found--may we all find that peace.
With love.
Ron, Cheryl, Ann & Gerald
Dearest Jack, Anita, Stephanie, and Charlie,
I just read Stephanie's post that you were checking into Hospice. Having sat by my Dad's bedside when his pain became so great, I completely understand your desire to see the pain end. I reached the point with my Dad that I just whispered to him that he could let go whenever he needed to, that we would be okay. I prayed that God might do what was best for my Dad knowing that what was best for him was not being on this earth with us. When he died, I felt great sadness for us, but nothing but relief for him. I knew he was in a better place, a place with no pain and suffering. He was in the presence of the living God in a way I could not yet fathom. He was reunited with the mother he lost as a teen and his father and many other generations that had gone before him. I pray that God will do what is best for your Dad and will hold you all tightly in His embrace. Know that we care deeply for all of you and are pained by what you are going through. May God give each of you the strength you need. With much love and affection,
Cindy, Eddy, Kaela, and Alex Ruble
Jack, Anita, Stephanie, and Charlie
We send you our love. Our international Fellowship has been praying for you as you walk this Journey.
You are so very special to us. We may not be able to be there but our hearts and love are with you.
Tina and Jonathan
We love you all. We are praying.
Katie and Matt
Dear Anita, Jack, Stephanie, and Charley,
Oh, how I have thought about you and prayed for you these past several weeks. Anita, you have been so strong and such an inspiration for all of us! Jack, your new Along the Journey demonstrates your great faith and encourages us with each word.
Stephanie and Charley, you are truly blessed by God with two incredible parents. I know you will carry on their legacy with great dignity and courage.
God's peace to each of you,
Beverly Connell
I backtracked and read your posting of yesterday. May God hold each of you in the palm of his hand as you release your earthly father to our heavenly father.
With much love and many prayers,
Beverly Connell
Dear Ones,
God bless you....we are praying with you for a swift journey to our Heavenly Father. Know how much you are loved.
Sheryl & Chuck
Praying with you and for you...
love you all.
Laurie McDonald
Stephanie, Am praying even as I write this... And will continue to do so. Love yall very much, and pray that God will take your Dads pain away and that God will wrap his arms tightly around all of you and bring you comfort and peace. All of our thoughts are with you... Especially in these final days/hours/moments. Jennifer (Hanson) Closson & Family ((((((BIG HUGS))))))
Dear Jack,
We just read your BLOG and I felt moved to write. We haven't seen each other in many years, but I have kept up with you through our mutual friends and relatives at Immanuel Baptist in Panama City. They still claim you as one of their "own", as they do all of us who began our spiritual journeys there. Imagine my shock to learn recently that you work at the same place as our son, Lance England. God does work in mysterious ways, and now you have another church of believers praying for you. Your JOURNEY notes have touched my husband and me. (He is an ordained minister in the Episcopal Church.)
God is truly using you, even as you walk towards Him. May He continue to bless you as He holds your hand.
Ginger Stanley England
I was just re-reading some of the blog entries today, and realized that one of those canes came from Kruja, Albania. Jack couldn't find one like he wanted when you all visited with Pat & Carolyn Anderson the summer before we moved to Kruja. A couple of years ago, we were in Kruja and found exactly the right one and brought to Jack when we were on OFA. Your writing reminded me of the wonderful time we had together during you visit to Albania. What encouragers you have always been!! We love you both, Arville & Shelia Earl
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